Water Testing

Three of the most common reasons why homeowners are investing in water purification systems

It is not difficult to notice that over the past few years, water purification systems within private homes have become increasingly more popular. Reverse osmosis systems, water softeners and water treatment are things which have been gaining popularity steadily over the past few years in private use. This however is not merely a coincidence, it…
Water Treatment services

Your top three questions about residential reverse osmosis water systems answered!

When considering various water filtration options you will undoubtedly come across reverse osmosis. This is known to be an effective water purification system and those who choose to install such a system in their home can enjoy drinking water that is clean, fresh and 99% contaminant free. Of course you might have some questions about…

What are the risks of not installing a home water filtration system?

Have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of installing a home water filtration system? For many, it seems silly to install water systems, when they can just turn a faucet in the kitchen and water comes out. But just how safe is that water? Do you know what is in your water supply? Others…
water pumping

Why your RO water treatment system needs regular maintenance

A water treatment system, such as an RO system, always needs regular maintenance and professional care to run at maximum efficiency. In order to save time and money, we at Hydro Solutions advise maintenance on a regular basis to avoid costly repairs and replacements after long periods of time. But just why does your system…
Water Testing

Three signs that your home’s water filtration system needs maintenance

The purpose of a water filtration system is to keep the water you drink and clean with perfectly clean and healthy. It gives you peace of mind that your water is as pure as possible, so that you’re not ingesting anything harmful. At Hydro Solutions, we advise regular maintenance of these systems. A system that…
Well and Water Treatment services

Signs that your home or business will benefit from water treatment systems

There are many signs that one could benefit from a water treatment system in your home or in your business. Here’s a guide to let you know whether you may need to invest in a water treatment system to improve its quality. Does your water taste bad? Your water will start tasting better. This may…
Tap Water

How water softeners can extend the life – and performance – of your appliances

What is a water softener and what the difference is between hard and soft water? Water softeners are substances used to remove certain minerals from hard water. There are many great health benefits from the use of a water softener as well as general usability of the water itself. Water softeners reduce the “hardness” of…
well water drilling services

Moved into a new home with an old water well? Here’s what you need to do…

Water wells are common in many homes, however some are newer than others. The idea is to ensure your water well is well maintained and working efficiently because after all, it is the supplier of the most essential resource to man. You will drink, shower, clean, flush, brush and wash with the same water in…
Water testing

A guide to some of our most popular residential water purification systems

Water purification systems are essential to any household. As water is the most essential part of our daily lives, water purification can be an aid to removing harmful contamination from the drinking water supply. It can also alleviate the harmful elements into the drinking water supply that can become toxic over time and have unpleasant…