Having your own well, supplying your home with drinking and irrigation water, is a great way to save money and takes control of managing your water footprint. It could also be because you are living in a rural area that does not have water services provided. Either way, managing your own supply of well water can be very satisfying, although there are some basics to remember.

If you have an existing well, or are considering having a well drilled, it is vital the correct maintenance is carried out on an ongoing basis. When first accessing the well water, it is a very good idea to have the water analyzed, to check the water integrity. When water is checked, various chemicals and minerals are identified, with the idea that these various elements are kept at safe levels. All water contains bacteria such as e-coli, metals such as iron and lead and minerals, such as fluoride, uranium and radon. Keeping these at the correct levels will ensure healthy drinking water for you and your family. It seems crazy that there is arsenic in your water, but in the correct quantities, it is this which will keep the bacteria levels in check.

Maintaining a well is much like looking after your motor vehicle. Preventative maintenance is cheaper in the long run than the costs of repairing breakages. A well maintenance check-up should include four components:

  1. A flow test to check system output, pump motor performance, pressure tank and switch contact as well as the general water quality.
  2. An inspection of the well equipment to make sure it is sanitary and meets local code requirements.
  3. Water test, to check for coliform bacteria and nitrates.
  4. A written report which explains the results and recommendations; it’s also good to keep this report for a comparison for the next check-up.

Over time, it is normal for wells to deteriorate – bacteria and minerals can cause plugging, which will reduce the flow of water. Wells can be rehabilitated by chemical methods, brushing the inside walls to remove deposits, using high pressure jetting and even blasting – all of which break up deposits and agitate to get the water flowing again. Typically, a well will last more than 20 years.

Hydro Solutions provide well maintenance and water treatment services

While you can maintain your well yourself, it’s often better to use the professionals who have extensive experience in all aspects of well management. The team at Hydro Solutions offer complete water solutions, from water treatment, purification and filtration to well drilling and installation. Contact them today to arrange a site visit for their assistance and recommendations to ensure your healthy drinking water.