Many people have hard water issues. A water softener can help eliminate problems such as soap scum in sinks or in bathtubs. However, it is possible that you still see hard water spots on your faucets or on your cutlery, even after having invested in a water softener. What could be the cause of this?

There are a few culprits that could be the issue, such as:

  • There Are A Lot Of Dissolved Solids In Your Water

A water softener minimizes the amount of minerals such as magnesium, iron, and calcium in your water, but it doesn’t reduce the total dissolved solids. These solids can be organic or inorganic such as agricultural runoff. It could even be other solids from metals and minerals. You can get a meter to test the amount of total dissolved solids in your water to determine if that is the issue. You can also schedule a consultation with one of the consultants at Hydro Solutions to come and test your water for you and prescribe an appropriate solution.

  • The Sodium in Your Water Softener Can Be Causing Spots

Many water softeners replace hard minerals with sodium ions. These sodium ions can be high if the water softener is replacing a lot of hard minerals with ion (in other words, a lot of sodium ion is put into your water in order to remove the minerals).

Sodium residue can easily be wiped off your dishes, faucets, and car after it has been washed. It is much better for your appliances to have sodium residue than the white residue that is typically associated with hard water. While there isn’t an easy fix to sodium residue, the good news is that you can take care of the spotting by spending a bit more time hand drying your surfaces or cutlery after it has been washed. Contact Hydro Solutions for further information on Water Softener Solutions.